Should You Run Air Purifiers 24/7? - An Expert's Guide

For optimal results, it's best to keep an air purifier running in your home throughout the day. Learn more about how running an air purifier 24/7 may benefit your indoor air quality.

Should You Run Air Purifiers 24/7? - An Expert's Guide

For the best results, it's recommended to keep an air purifier running in your home throughout the day. When the weather is nice, you can let the appliance run for as long as you want, but it's usually a good idea to use it only when someone is at home. An air purifier can improve sleep quality by cleaning the air around you. Air purifiers are generally designed to work all the time, if you prefer.

You can set the purifier to the lowest setting to reduce noise and let it run throughout the day. Many of today's air purifiers also allow you to set timers to turn on and off at certain times of the day. This can save you a lot of time when planning when to use your purifier. In many cases, you can set it up to work when you're away and come home for cleaner air.

The higher the MERV rating, the smaller the particles that the filter can trap, which is great for air quality. However, this also means that higher MERV filters usually take longer to fully travel through the air in a room. The quality of the air inside your home is constantly changing and the impact of the air purifier will depend on its size, especially if you want to clean a single room or an entire house. Most air purifiers have several fan settings that affect how quickly they expel air, in exchange for consuming more energy and making more noise.

The resulting pollution will diffuse into the air in large quantities, causing the concentration of carbon dioxide inside to be too high; this will gradually decrease the lifespan of the air purifier's filter screen. Turning on your air purifier at intervals won't help your cause either, as it won't generate the clean indoor air you want. However, not all air purifiers are created equal and it's important to make sure that you buy one that is best suited for treating common problems related to air quality. In previous guides, we looked at how today's smart air purifiers work and what specifications to consider when choosing the right size for a room or house, such as the CADR or clean air supply rate.

Once you turn off the air purifier, the air quickly becomes contaminated again with dust, dander, mold and other contaminants in the air. Having a home air purifier with automatic mode function, such as the Airgle AG900, is very useful when using an air filtration system constantly. It caught my attention when he said that he can guarantee the highest possible level of air quality when he leaves an air purifier running day after day. However, if you don't feel like running your air purifier continuously, you can limit its use to when you're at home or when the air quality is particularly poor.

An air purifier can help remove contaminants, allergens and other particles from the air, as well as reduce odors and improve overall indoor air quality. Therefore, as air continues to circulate through the system, either naturally or due to opening and closing of doors and windows, smoke and other new contaminants will enter the space and re-contaminate the air. Automatic mode is an intelligent feature that automatically adjusts the speed of the air purifier fan based on volume of air pollution. In addition to improving air quality, leaving an air purifier on all the time can also reduce cost of maintaining good indoor air quality.

It's important to note that running an air purifier 24/7 may not be necessary in all cases; however, it can be beneficial in certain situations.